First Offense OWI/PAC
First Offense OWI/PAC
Offense Type: Forfeiture
Jail Time: None
Approximate Total Forfeiture: $620 – $800
Demerit Points: 6
Suspension/Revocation: 6 to 9 months
Occupational License Eligibility: Usually immediate.
In addition: Anyone convicted of drunk driving (or a refusal) will be required to submit to a designated agency for an assessment for alcohol abuse and to follow the agency’s recommended “driver safety plan.” Some counties order that the defendant attend a facility designed to show the impact on victims of drunk driving.
- Child in vehicle doubles penalties.
- New & unlicensed drivers may be subject to additional points.
- If offense is committed while operating a commercial motor vehicle, then penalties will include a 1 year CDL disqualification (3 year disqualification if transporting hazardous materials, or lifetime disqualification for 2nd or subsequent OWI).